This is the top of the line with stand and much less than any of the simplex hotspots out there
The newest in our line of hotspots
From W1VET Electronics llc
Compare to others lower price and duplex
Others higher price and Simplex only
W1VET Electronics $245 DUPLEX
Other Simplex $290 and no screen
Other Simplex $368
Other Simplex $425
This is Duplex Hotspot running WPSD software. Now you can switch back and forth between talk groups easyer, work more servers without needing other hotspots or doing the hard config work (TGIF, BM, DMR+, FreeDMR, and more) you can use both time slot your way on DMR.
This Hotspot can be run as duplex or simplex whatever you would like.
Duplex MMDVM Hotspot UHF/VHF P25 DMR YSF D-Star M17 plus more. Running Raspberry Pi 3 B + with Touch Nextion 3.5" screen.
Running WPSD: (Latest version)
Raspberry Pi 3 B +
WPSD loaded on SD card you just need to configure your call and Wi-Fi (if you wish not to give out your SSID and Password) and other info than you're on the air.
-Duplex Hotspot
-Power wart and power wire
-Supports DMR, P-25, D-Star and System Fusion M17
-Fully tested
-Nextion 3.5" Screen
WIDELY COMPATIBLE: Supports DMR, P-25, D-Star and System Fusion
Differences in Duplex and Simplex: In Duplex mode, have 2 time slots, and Tx and Rx can do at the same time
Radio Frequency: In duplex mode, support 430-440 uhf, in simplex mode support both uhf 430-440MHz and vhf 140-150MHz
Best adjusted: TX =0, RX=0 need no offset.
Modem select: STM32-DVM/MMDVM_HS-Raspberry pi Hat (GPIO)
3D Printed Case: For high RF performance over metal case.
Antenna: On board two antennas and Touch Nextion 3.5" screen
30day warranty
Buyer pays return shipping
W1VET Electronics llc