This Duplex Hotspot has the ability to change the Nextion screen without taking it apart. WPSD Or Pi-Star loaded your choise.

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This Duplex Hotspot comes with nice with the ability to change screens, this means you have access to the SD Slot on bottom of screen. All you have to do is use Nextion Editor and you can find other screen styles on Facebook Nextion page. You should read a little on the screens and the software.

Shipping in less than 24 hours

Each Hotspot is tested for 24 hours before and ready to config when you get it.
There are a lot of info on YouTube about duplex hotspots, take a look this will help with setup and the advantage of duplex.

Built on a Pi 3 B
latest firmware from Pi-Star
Nextion Screen NX4832K035-011

The default bit error rate is less than 5%, and the default offset is 0. If the bit error rate is more than 5%, as long as the signal can be received, it can be corrected by offset.

Pi-star General Configuration for MMDVM_DUPLEX

Set Controller Mode: Duplex Repeater or Simple
Radio Frequency: Freq:144-148,219-225,(Main Band)420-475,842-950
Duplex Mode: Example:RX:438.000000 TX:433.000000
Duplex Mode: Example:RX:145.000000 TX:433.000000

Setup On Duplex:RX:432.900000 TX:439.900000

Radio/Modem Type:STM32-DVM/MMDVM_HS-Raspberry pi Hat(GPIO) or any other (GPIO board)
option don't need now, some old board need set)
Admin->Expert->Edit MMDVMHOST->RXOFFSET=0 TXOFFSET=0 (default value in pistar)
(update:2019/2 new 3225 TCXO so offset is 0 )